Monday, July 16, 2012

Hello Everyone!!
Things here are going really well!! I am in a new area called Diepkloof. It is in the city of Soweto. It is a township which means that everyone lives in a small brick house ( the size of the garage on Grandma and Grandpa's lot) or they live in a shack as big as a bedroom. The people here though are really good people! I am really enjoying my experience so far! My area also has 2 really big malls! So luckily if I need something to eat I can just go there to eat or get anything else that I need.

So mom, That is really cool that Verizon now has a home plan! That hopefully will go really well!! So I am really sorry that I didn't tell Karen and Jim about my farewell!! I definitely didn't mean for that to happen. That is really good that the package made it home!! I am glad to hear that it did make it home. Please don't open it till Jake's birthday. I want everyone to see what is inside when it is his birthday. Luckily it is in 10 days. It is coming up. So that is cool that Bret Pickett blessed his baby! That is way exciting!! So my new area is pretty Awesome for the most part. I am definitely not used to it so this will be a good learning experience for me. I got a new companion, his name is Elder Skeen. He is from Centerville Utah. He has been out for 14 months. He is pretty quiet for the most part. He has been a good guy so far. Hey is there any chance you can send me those glasses wipes? It is really dusty here and I could use some of those. If you cant find the ones I bought they are at Walmart in the eye care center.

So Dad, I look forward to hearing about your experiences when you get back home. I hope all goes well and have a fantastic week!!

So Nate, it sounds like work is a little tough right now. I know what you mean by when you say that you are sick of the people that like to take advantage of everything. I have run into so many people that complain way too much. They are hard to teach the gospel too but so far I havent run into anything other than that. I hope all goes well and enjoy your week!!

So Jake, Please (you are going to hate what i have to say) dont open your package until your birthday. You are only 10 days away almost from your birthday. I hope football camp went well for you and I hope that you have a great week this week. Tell the Golders I said hi and be safe.

So Josh, I hope scout camp goes well for you this week and be safe! I look forward to hearing about your experiences.

So Alex, That is really good that you are enjoying your lessons. Enjoy your last week of summer break and have a wonderful week!

Im sorry this email is so short, I only had a small amount of time this week so I will hopefully send a bigger email next week. I love you all and I hope you all enjoy your week!

- Elder Parks

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