Tuesday, August 7, 2012

So this week has been really busy!! We taught a lot of lessons to the investigators and we were able to find some really good people. It is hard right now because no one has money to get to church so everyone is struggling to get there. I hope to have some cool experiences soon to share with you all about any good investigators. There is one cool story though that I can share. This is a guy from the area right next to ours. His name is Professor Nllovu. One day he was moving into one of his houses and the past owners left some stuff behind. One of the things they left behind was a "Teaching of the Presidents: David O McKay manual. He said that as he read it he knew it was true and he then looked up our church and he came to church all by himself. The missionaries at the time had no idea who this guy was until he showed up to sacrament meeting one day. When the missionaries taught him, he told them that he knew that this church was true and He then progressed very quickly to baptism. When he told the rest of us his story he told us that the missionaries only taught him 20% and the teachings of the presidents of the church: David O McKay taught him 80%. It is incredible what a simple manual can do for someone like this man, Professor Nllovu.He now has the Aaronic Priesthood and he baptized his best friend the week after he got the priesthood.  When I heard of this story I was greatly impressed with how someone can be converted by anything that testifies of the truth. Anything can happen.

So Mom, That is crazy that Morgan is getting married!!!! Who is she getting married to??? That is so great that she is getting married. That is funny that Nate and Dad were the topic in the lesson. I loved being in Gospel Doctrine class when Sister Loader was teaching because she is a really good teacher! So this week I went to a lion and rhino park and got some really cool pictures!!! I was also able to go and pet a Cheetah!!!!! I will send a picture and a video of me doing that! It was so fun to go with all the missionaries and go to that park and have a good time. I was able to see all kinds of animals and I even saw that most venomous snake in the world! It was the Black Mamba. It was in a giant glass container and I was able to look at it and get a picture. Well I hope all is going well at home and My cloths and everything else is doing really good right now. I have saved most of my stuff for my one year mark so that everything will last me my whole mission. By the way the reason I didn't email yesterday was because I ran out of time because the lion park took all day long. When ever I cant email on Mondays, I will definitely email on Tuesday.

So Dad, Things here are going well!! I went to the lion park yesterday and It was great! I was able to get some really good pictures and I was able to even pet a Cheetah!! It was so Awesome! If you and mom come here to South Africa to pick me up I will definitely take you both there and you can see a lot of animals. I will be sending some pictures home soon. I will let you know when I do so so you can keep an eye out for them in the mail. That is Awesome that you and Alex are going to the Rec. center to exercise! I really wish we could go to a gym to exercise but we dont have the time to do so. I need to loose some weight because I am now at 182 pounds. I have gained weight and it is definitely not easy to loose weight here on a mission. I will have to let you all know how it goes. By the way has my tax return came in the mail yet? I was going to ask you about that last week but I forgot? I hope it will come soon!  I hope all is going well at home!

So Nate, That is Awesome that things are going well with you and Maddi (I think I spelled her name wrong, sorry). All I have to say is remember who you are and who you stand for because here on my mission I have seen a good number of teens getting themselves into trouble and they pay for it. I trust you though so im not worried. You are the next future Elder Parks so please keep that in mind. That is Awesome that you were able to lift so much weight!! I could never do that! So I went to the lion park yesterday! I will have to send some really cool pictures home so you and everyone else can look at them! I hope all goes well and have a great week!

So Jake, I hope that your temple trip with Ericha goes well!! That will be really cool to go and do!! What a better date than going to the temple! I will tell you the same thing I told Nate, Remember who you are and who you stand for. You are the future Elder Parks so stay clean and worthy of that sacred calling! I trust you as well so im not too worried. Have a great week and work hard!

So Josh, That is Awesome that football is going so welll!! The A2 team huh?? That is FANTASTIC!!!!! Congratulations on that! I know that if you work hard, you will be able to get wherever you want to go. Take care and have a great week!!

So Alex, I hope that all is going well!! That is cool that you and Dad are going to the Rec. Center all the time. I wish I had time to do that. I went to a lion park yesterday and I have some really cool pictures to show you all!! I was able to pet a Cheetah!!! I will send them and I hope you all have a great week!!

I love you all very much and I hope you all have a great week!!
- Elder Parks

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