Monday, June 18, 2012

Hello everyone!!!

So it sounds like this last week has been really good! Yes Jake i am jealous that I wasnt able to go but I will hopefully see a lion or a giraffe soon. Sounds like things back at home are going really well. My experiences here are Awesome so far. We have been teaching more and more people lately and have been busy preparing them for baptism for the coming month. People here are hard to get to baptism because they dont keep commitments very well. We are working hard and are hoping that we will have baptisms soon. My old companion was transferred to a place called Thembiso. My new companion's name is Elder Foote. He got transferred here from a place called SunnySide. It is near South Africa's capital, Pretoria. He just turned 21 and He has been out for a year not to long ago. He is from Reno, Nevada. He has been an Awesome companion so far!! So I will be transferred July 10 or August 21. They dont tell us when we are leaving until the Saturday before transfer day. We then have a transfer meeting and after that they tell us where we are going. I will probably be leaving next month or in August. We will have to see.

So mom, Thank you again for your package!! I used the baking soda and the brown sugar and chocolate chips and was able to make Awesome Chocolate chip cookies!!!! Thank you so much!! So it sounds like Yellowstone was really good!! Its good to hear that everyone had fun! I hope you all enjoyed the chocolate!! Its good to hear that the package made it home!! Oh hey when you get the chance this next Sunday will you ask brother Harris and Brother Ames and ask them if they got their letters??? I dont know if they made it home or not. That is Awesome that Grandma and Grandpa went on a cruise to Alaska!! The temperature here is in the high 50's  and the low 60's. This last week it has been close to the 70's. So far it hasnt been to bad. I was told by the members that it gets a lot colder than that though so we will see.

So dad, Its good to hear that Yellowstone went well!!! That is Awesome that you guys saw some bears!!! I still havent seen any cool animals yet but I will let you know as soon as I do! So how was Fathers day?? Its good to hear that you got my card. I found that card in the store here and I thought that would be an Awesome card to send home. So how is the sprinkler situation??? is it better or is the neighbors tree tearing it apart? I hope things will get better there. So i was thinking of sending Grandpa Parks a missionary name tag saying Elder Parks. I dont know if he still has his or not. I asked Grandma if he still had his still so we will have to see.

Nate, That is AWESOME that Dwayne offered you that job!!!!!! That is a really good job! That is crazy that you are already going to college!!! Beware of Humanities!!! You have to think a lot! Unfortunately it is required for the Associates degree so work hard and you will do fine! If you want to register to Institute you need to go to the bishop and ask him how to register. He will help you with that. Work hard and everything will fall into place! That is one thing I have learned here on my mission.

Jake, I am glad that you enjoyed the chocolate!! I will do my best to send a surprise home next month for your birthday. I am going to try to send everyone something but i need to wait until everything mellows out again so I can send another package. You will have to let me know how Erica and Austin liked EFY. I can probably relate some of my EFY experiences to theirs. I hope everything is going well at home and tell the Golders hi for me.

Josh, Its good to hear that everything went well going to Yellowstone! Sounds like you all got eaten alive by mosquitoes! Thats not good. Time flies by so fast! I have been out for 4 months now! By the way my old companion went to a place called Thembiso. My new companion came from a place called Sunny Side. Work hard and have a great week!

Alex, Its good to hear that Yellowstone went well!!! I hope that the swimming lessons will go well!! I remember when I took swimming lessons! They were pretty fun! Im glad that you enjoyed the chocolate! Have a great week and Work hard!

I love you all very much and I hope you all have wonderful week! I look forward to hearing from you all next Monday! 

- Elder Parks

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